Hi, I'm Megan! I am a certified holistic nutrition coach and personal trainer. I am a NH native that is still living in the northeast and I am passionate about helping women create better routines that I help women create healthy routines that lead to transformative lifestyle changes through fitness and holistic nutrition. I have gone through my own health journey when I realized that I was basing a lot of my "goals" on how I looked. And I quickly realized that this was not an attainable or sustainable way to approach to health. So I changed my perspective and, through trial and error, developed routines into my life that improved my fitness and nutrition greatly that I didn't have to obsess or stress over. These routines slowly changed my lifestyle, which changed my life. I was able to create a life that has fitness and good nutrition in it, and no longer had to base my life around it. And now I help other women build their own personalized routines to change their lives too! 

Outside of here, you'll find me and my husband, Cooper, at our church helping lead our young adults ministry, watching a movie (we LOVE movies), hiking, traveling, going on neighborhood walks, or surfing (only when it is warm, I am not a winter surfer lol). All while probably laughing about something...we laugh a lot in our home. 

Fun Facts: 
-I LOVE hosting people in our home! I will invite pretty much anyone over and cook for them and bake something gluten free, because I am gluten free!
-I am a warm weather girl through and through-although I challenged myself this winter to continue to do outside activities I enjoy while bundeled up...I'll report back about this one lol

Sister, (and yes, I actually call women "sister" in real life!)
I am so happy you found yourself here, I hope that I can partner with you to create a healthier lifestyle, but I also hope I can encourage, call you higher, and be your biggest cheerleader through this journey, not only in fitness, but in life. Welcome!  

I'm Megan, your grace-filled coach

Routines change your lifestyle. Your lifestyle changes your life. 

Everything in business is learnable, fixable, and figureoutable.

You don't have to be a workaholic
to be successful. Really.

I believe: